A Very Visible Hand
Last December when then Fed Chairman Bernanke announced the
first tapering of the QE by reducing the monthly purchase of 85 billion in
government securities by 10 billion per month, the following historical event
immediately came into my mind: mid-2004, when the Fed started exiting the
“extremely low” rate (1%) program that was designed to help the equity market
after the internet bubble burst, and the September 11 attack. Once the tightening started, the Fed acted like clockwork by raising the rate
exactly 25 bps in every FOMC meeting, 17 times in a row, until the rate reached
the “normal” level of 5.25%. See Figure
My prediction drawn from this event? The fed will do exactly the same thing this
time, tapering by 10bn in each meeting until totally exiting the QE program. Any deviation from such a clockwork pace will
cause disruption or even turmoil in the market with the public second-guessing
the intention of the Fed.
So far, we are right on the money – the two FOMC meetings
after the initial December taper did exactly 10 billion each time. Investors should hope that Yellen does not
venture off course here.
Figure 1. Fed fund
rate from 2003 to 2008.
Since 2000, the Fed has been playing a bigger and bigger
role in the global markets, especially the equity market. Investors chew on every single word in the
FOMC minutes. The “full employment”
mandate and the association of interest rate with employment rate – a theory
that somehow became an academic orthodoxy and undisputed truth – encourage
the Fed to wield the Fed Fund Rate as a universal weapon on solving any
economic problem.
Look at the Fed Fund Rate history since 1989 (Figure 2),
which was the beginning of this bull run that lasted over 20 years, the “norm”
of rate was around 5% -- which makes the recent near 0% rate period so
extraordinary in this historical perspective.
The visible and powerful hand of the Fed, with the short term rate as
the main weapon (and together with its unlimited balance sheet that supports
its QE programs), now becomes the most important macro-force in the equity
market that overwrites the statistical aspect of the traditional invisible
Figure 2. Fed fund
rate from 1989 to 2014.
Whether one agrees with the Fed’s policy or not, the powerful
visible hand of the Fed should be the most important factor for market
participants like us to consider. “Don’t
fight the Fed!” that’s the financial analogy of Buckminster Fuller’s “Don’t
fight forces, use them”. Several
observations can be drawn here: 1.
Correlation in the market will continue to be high as long as Fed is the
main driving force (even though the breakdown of some high momentum stocks in
recent days was a slight deviation of this trend); 2. Volatility
will remain low, with intermittent spikes, caused by trivial things such as
Yellen’s slip during a speech; 3. The
interest rate is abnormally low, but sooner or later, there will be a reversion
to normal interest rate regime.
Derek Wang, CEO, Bell Curve Capital LP - dwang at bellcurvecapital.com
Derek Wang, CEO, Bell Curve Capital LP - dwang at bellcurvecapital.com